Rather than example sentences

Topography: People always prefer to live on plains rather than mountains and plateaus because these areas are suitable for farming, manufacturing and service activities.In the process, fiscal policy creates a surplus (when total receipts exceed expenditure) or a deficit budget (when total expenditure exceed receipts) rather than a balanced budget (when expenditure equals receipts).The Not-for-Profit Organisations earn their reputation on the basis of their contributions to the welfare of the society rather than on the customers' or owners' satisfaction.At the same time, you find it easier to say 'yes' rather than 'no' to such a harmless (and eventually meaningful) request.The basic assumption of his theory is that personality consists of competing forces and structures within the individual (that must be balanced) rather than between the individual and the demands of society, or between the individual and reality.Lazarus and Folkman has conceptualised coping as a dynamic process rather than an individual trait.If all of this is to be done when we touch a hot object, it may take enough time for us to get burnt! How does the design of the body solve this problem? Rather than having to think about the sensation of heat, if the nerves that detect heat were to be connected to the nerves that move muscles in a simpler way, the process of detecting the signal or the input and responding to it by an output action might be completed quickly.During the 1760s and 1770s it became common to pitch the ball through the air, rather than roll it along the ground.Conformity takes place because of informational influence, i.e. influence that results from accepting evidence rather than reality.The chapter 'People as Resource' is an effort to explain population as an asset for the economy rather than a liability.The laws of thermodynamics deal with energy changes of macroscopic systems involving a large number of molecules rather than microscopic systems containing a few molecules.With regard to personality, the poor and deprived have low self-esteem, are high on anxiety and introversion, and dwell on the immediate present rather than being future-oriented.It must be emphasised that ratios are means to an end rather than the end in themselves.The Polish State did not exist at that time, and the immigrants were identified according to their country of origin rather than to ethnicity.It is about a “minimum” subsistence level of living rather than a “reasonable” level of living.

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